Monday, 30 November 2015

Day 158 - Final day in Koh Samui

Going to miss this place, well not the sand, but the views

Day 158 - 28th November

What the hell is in that rum. I was still struggling and feeling sick.

He seems content enough.

But it was my last day in Koh Samui, I'd be leaving in the morning at 6:30 for Kuala Lumpur. So I got to work until 12 o'clock when Matt finally surfaced and we went for the order of the day. I never get sick of rice and meat because they cook it so well here.

Matt went off to the gym whilst I went back to write again. I've come up with a new sitcom based on my experiences growing up in a big family. It's going to be pretty funny I think, with lots of great personalities and comedic material. We shall see.

I had some fantastic news - my oldest friend, Matt (neither from these last few days in Koh Samui) asked me to be his best man at his wedding next September. Obviously I was delighted and accepted the role. I'll plan how to do it in the coming weeks.

I went to the Irish bar for a few beers whilst I had Skype chats with my parents, sister and brothers. It was great to hear from them all. My niece Emmy is quite the character now, oh how I miss her and the rest of the gang.

A curry in a coconut - on in Koh Samui!

In the evening, I had a curry at the local place, The Curry that I found with the others and had a wonderful fish curry in a coconut. Seriously, this woman is fantastic and her place will be a hotspot in the next year or so, I'm sure of it.

Crazy kids, Matt and Emmi

Even crazier, Emmi and Joy

I had a quick wash and then made my way up to the Mynt Lounge to say goodbye to all the gang. The trip wasn't as uneventful as it usually was - I kissed a masseur and was ball grabbed by a random drunk woman in the company of three guys outside a Seven 11 on my way up.

These girls love a selfie! With two others thrown in for good measure.

At the Mynt Lounge, we played pool, drank beer, put on lousy music and enjoyed my last few hours. I'll miss Joy, Emmi and the rest of the gang but I'll be a few hundred up wherever I go from now on! 

But the night didn't end there.

Chaweng was lively.

I left for a few hours to watch the United game and afterwards we (Matt, Joy, Emmi and I) headed to Chaweng to go to a club. I thought, what the hell. Sleep is for whimps. We started dancing, I upset Emmi by telling her she didn't need to smoke - sorry Ems - and Matt got soaked in his shirtless stay when the rain came down.

Before the madness, the face wasn't much different though.

We moved to another bar and then trouble found us. Matt had his phone and 800 Baht stolen from his bag. To say he was agitated would be putting it mildly and it took all three of us to calm him down and keep his head cool. Panicking in this type of situation is pointless.

Outside, he fought a corigated sheet of metal protecting a building site. The sheet won of course and Matt was left nursing a swollen, possibly dislocated knuckle. I had to sort him out.

So I got him on the phone to the bank, cancelled his online banking details which had been stored on his phone, gave him my old Nokia from Cambodia and ran in the rain to Seven 11 to get ice for his hand. All in all, an exciting way to finish off Koh Samui!

What a way to start the day!

I saw out the night, knowing it was useless trying to sleep when I had a six thirty bus to catch. It was already 4:30. I'd get plenty of rest on the 23 hour coach trip! 

I bid farewell to the gang and readied myself. It was going to be brutal.

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