Monday, 30 November 2015

Day 157 - Feeling rum down

The best picture I could produce from the archives. Anything real would scare you! What a berk.

Day 157 - 27th November

I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a train. Literally. My face was all numb and my stomach was burning. When Matt appeared, he told me about the amphetamine laced rum which had knocked me out. He didn't know either.

I spent the day trying to work but it was no use, I was in no fit state. I managed a swim and lunch with Matt but afterwards went back to sleep some more - anyone who knows me, knows I do not nap ever during the day. I hate it.

Matt tried to get me to go along in the evening but I couldn't make it. Instead, I went for a walk, booked my trip to Kuala Lumpur (23 hours on a bus!), had a burger in hopes it would soak up the remaining rum in my system and staggered back in pain to my hut to crash out again.

Definitely the worst I've felt since travelling and a lesson learned the hard way - don't drink rum without knowing what's in it. 

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