Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Day 132 - Oh Mai, Oh Mai, how long to Chiang Mai?

A great way to end my stay in Luang Prabang!

Day 132 - 02nd November

So my final day in Luang Prabang was already here. It was bad for many reasons. I'd come to love the place, I'd had a pretty awesome hostel with an abundance of hot shower water and lastly, I was only a few hours away from jumping on an 18 hour journey to Chiang Mai. Yes, I did say 18 hours.

To avoid thinking about it, I headed to the post office to send my nanna's postcards and then I wandered down to Utopia again to relax for a few hours. I tell you, a Dark Beer Lao is the way forward at 10am.

With an Oreo shake, that baby is a thing of beauty.

I read and did some work before having a 'Bacon Bomb Burger'. Anything with bacon and BBQ sauce is a winner in my book.

I took one final excursion to the market, buying a lemon fruit shake and two packets of cashews for my journey before heading back to the hostel for pick up.

I shared a Tuk Tuk with a Dutch couple who were good company to the bus station and when I arrived, I was presented to a mini van driver who put my luggage on the roof of his vehicle. I tried to questioned where my double decker or at least single tier coach was but ey just pointed me toward the mini van door.

Shit! This is going to be a killer for 18 hours.

I settled in a singular seat and we set off just before 6pm. I had an annoying Chinese guy in front of me that limited my already limited space by ramming his seat backwards into a decline. Then he pulled it forwards again. And then back again. This is more annoying when it's 1am, you've just managed to get into a snooze and your knees are crushed suddenly. Bloody pillock!

Someone, the driver I think, was hawking his lungs up every few minutes so when I closed my eyes it felt like I was back in China.

Silver lining, I met four Chinese elders who found it fascinating that I'd been to Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. They keep tapping my leg and putting their thumbs up to me which was a good thing I suppose. They kept saying 'Ingua' which I remembered as being England or English.

Just a few more hours and I would reach the border. Then everything will be easy... yeah right!

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