Thursday, 5 November 2015

Day 135 - Remember, Remember, it's the fifth of November!

Crazy Thai man who was trying to set me up with a ladyboy

Day 135 - 05th November

So the day that almost saw the end of British Parliament in 1605 had arrived again. Ah, home is so far away.

The old city wall

I woke up and went wandering around Chiang Mai, looking for the magnet and a few souvenirs for the family. After bumping into a Spanish woman who kept yelling Spanish at me, having banter with a local Thai boxing elder and a quick coffee stop in a small place just outside the old city wall, I moved back to Deejai Gardens and did a little work and drank a little beer. It was a great way to kill the time until my 6:30pm bus to Bangkok.

Beautiful temples and stupas here

I started to look at accommodation and places to visit in Bangkok but I was more ready to see my sister and cousin again in a couple of days time.

So at 6:30pm, I'm sat in Deejai Hostel with my backpacks (yes, plural) ready to go on the night bus to Chiang Mai. 7pm rolls around, no pick up. 7:30pm, nope! 8pm, yes... no, that was a delivery van. 

By 8:15pm, my pick up arrives. The seats are occupied by nine other people so I have to hang off the back whilst we head toward the bus station. Doing 50mph hanging onto two thin metal bars off the back of a big van does make you feel alive. And slightly nervous.

I boarded my bus (the leg room was fantastic, as were the free water and cremo cookies) and headed off on my 11 hour journey to Bangkok. I befriended two German guys opposite me but soon I had my headphones in and my baseball cap over my face to cover my dribbling whilst I attempted to sleep.

Long live this travelling game.

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