Saturday, 7 November 2015

Day 137 - Walkabout in Bangkok

Market place beneath a bridge

Day 137 - 07th November

After a slip in the shower, I felt like I had managed to get away with one. From that point on, I knew it was going to be a good day.

I headed downstairs and had a quick coffee before making my way further outside of the Khaosan area  towards Central Bangkok. A short Tuk Tuk ride took me to Hua Lamphong train station and from there I took the metro to Siam.

Spectre pre-warm up

The shopping mall here was a dizzying seven storeys of brands and restaurants. My hatred of shopping was surfacing again. As I reached the top floor, I stood in the foyer of the of the giant SFX cinema. It was something. I grabbed a 1:30pm ticket for Spectre, a bucket of popcorn and a coke and went inside.

Spectre, as with Skyfall, was a great film to watch but so many parts left me coming away with a feeling that it wasn't quite James Bond in the tradition sense. Daniel Craig and the supporting cast were awesome but I wasn't overawed, shall we say.

The Hangover Hotel in the distance

I walked back to my hostel from Siam, passing the National Stadium on the way. It was an hour and a half to get from point A to B in the afternoon heat but I saw a great market under a canal side and some of downtown Bangkok. Only then did I realise just how big the city was.

Night time down at Khaosan Road

Khaosan was heaving by the time night fell but I had dinner in a new local place. Again more ladyboys came out doing their thing and I spenjoyed a couple of giant beers before heading back to Samsen Skyline. The receptionist there was teaching me Thai and and was extremely helpful in helping me arrange rooms for my sister and cousin's arrival the following afternoon.

I was still undecided about Bangkok, perhaps a few more days would help change my feeling of being underwhelmed. Maybe not.

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