Thursday 1 October 2015

Day 94 - That Friday feelin'

Trying to explain in Khmer and failing miserably!

Day 94 - 25th September

After the public holiday break, it was back to business as usual.

The eight sessions ahead of us needed a good breakfast and the noodle soup was the perfect start to the day.

DK talking Khmer to our first set of students for the day.

The warm up demonstration.

We headed to Project 5 and began work. The first three groups were really understanding the message we were trying to get to them. They laughed as DK did his usual jokes and great coaching techniques. 

Getting involved, it'd be rude not too.

DK loves a selfie.

By the time the fourth group came out, we had a well oiled routine with my warm ups and DK's lesson. What we didn't know was that we had younger students. As everybody knows with young kids, the attention span is short so we had to do mini games to keep them interested. It worked well but it left us thankful for the lunchtime break.

Even the teachers want to get involved in the warm ups. 

Back at Bou Savy, I was drinking down litres of water, ready for the hot afternoon.

Such a great place to volunteer.

Everyone is always laughing, including me!

Back at Project B, we had the familiar scenario of three classes of more senior students followed by the young kindergarteners. The fourth class was out late due the boys playing around (boys will be boys) and then we let them run free in the yard, playing tag and generally having fun. It's virtually impossible to get them all to stand in a line and follow instructions, so why fight it I say.

The urge to go down that slide is so strong. So far, I've resisted. Let's see how the next four week fare.

Simple but so effective.

The evening was very much chilled, with a 30 lap swim, working on my book and reading a little more Papillon. The book is starting to pick up pace now which makes it so easy to read so much of it in one go.

It's a sweet life, sometimes!

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