Saturday, 4 July 2015

Day 7, 8 and 9 - Goodbyes and Moving on to Xi'an

Day 7 - 30th June

So it was a really uneventful day, just relaxing and winding down before Will's departure to Munich to go and Au Pair for a family for two years. we took a final walk around the Hutong, taking in the atmosphere and just enjoying Beijing's wonders.

of course we sat in the bar and watched the locals go by, taking photos of the westerners within. We played cards, laughed about our adventures and said our goodbyes. A fitting end to an awesome first stop on my trip.

I Skype home and then sat up with Will and Halil until they checked out at 5:30 am.

Farewell chaps, safe travels wherever you go! Thanks for the memories.

Day 8 - 01st July

I woke up to find my door pass didn't work. A quick check of my booking showed me I'd book a day less than I should had done. 80 Yuan later and I'm wondering what wrong.

Sean and I headed to the the train station and got our train tickets for Xi'an. It was chaos, as everywhere else was. A good tip - if you're ever in Beijing West train station, go to booth 16, which is he English speaking booth. 

He had a night train for Xi'an, twelve hours from 8pm. Good luck to him, he was going to need it.

Day 9 - 02nd July

After a restless night, I checked out at 6am and headed for the train station. As you do, I waited, I boarded and then I set off on the 6 hour journey to Xi'an, sitting next to a friendly Canadian chap from Ontario, his wife and his two cracking daughters. I thank the world for small pleasures!

When I arrived in Xi'an, I got in and in true fashion, just like Beijing, I crashed for the evening. Welcome to Xi'an, Daniel Son.

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