Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Day 33 - Mishaps in Hong Kong and meeting a local for tea and dessert

Hong Kong's 'Times Square'

Day 33 - 26th July

So I decided 'When in Rome,' or Hong Kong as it were, that I'd meet a local to see how they found life in the maze that is Hong Kong.

Enter Cleo, a local business account banker who does her work in the HSBC building (noted for its architecture and design around the world.) I was impressed. 

My attempt to meet her outside exit B of Causeway Bay station ended up in a mishap (of course it did, I'm involved) in which I waited an hour and a half for her to show, yet no appearance was made by my new Hong Kong friend. The Friends quote 'Do you think she came, saw you and left,' ran through my mind as I headed back to Kowloon. Well there were no free crab cakes but there was a lot of laughing to myself.

When I got back to my hostel, my Whatsapp buzzed and a reel of messages ensued in which Cleo had been asking where I was, how I was getting on with getting to exit B, that she was now going for a coffee and eventually where was I again.

It turns out, I was standing at exit D all along. EPIC FAIL! Having to explain we must have missed each other was not washing but she was a good sport, heading over to Kowloon to meet me. What a berk!

It's much better than it looks, especially cold.

We ended up having a great night, wandering Temple Street Market, where I picked up one of those note books for $60 HK, a steal thanks to Cleo. We went for tea and headed to a traditional Chinese dessert place. The red bean dish I had with sesame balls was great.

I was intrigued to know how life in Hong Kong was different to England. She told me about growing up, working in the bank and what movies and books she liked. She told me how mainland China was very different in its ways compared to Hong Kong, and told me I'd been say Xie Xie wrongly when saying thanks. EPIC FAIL TWO.

After walking around, we parted ways and I felt like I understood Hong Kong, and China a little more than I would have done had I been on my own. It was a fascinating insight that almost didn't happen because I couldn't read the difference between B and D, so thanks Cleo!

I was due to head to Lantau and the Giant Buddha the next day, if the rain held off. I was hoping for too much!

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