Saturday, 24 October 2015

Day 119 - Project B, it's time to say goodbye

How could you not love working with these kids? What an experience.

Day 119 - 20th October

Another day of saying goodbye. It's not as easy as I thought, some of these kids are so much fun and their personalities I will miss the most. You get the dominant ones, the timid ones, the giggly ones, the grumpy ones and the carefree ones. All together they give you a great mix as a volunteer and you really don't know what personalities you're going to draw on a week to week basis. It's like a milder form of Russian Roulette.

DK was absent on a personal matter for the morning so Srey Mom and I headed out to Project B to take the lessons. I almost injured myself after the first lesson, squatting down to fast and feeling a pull in the back of my hamstring. Straight away I panicked, knowing our final is coming up on Thursday so I let Mom take the second lesson whilst I lightly assisted.

By the afternoon, DK was back in business and we had one lesson instead of two as we've seemed to have had in the last three weeks. The kids were great again and come the end of the lesson, I was swarmed with hugs and high fives. This is why you volunteer, for moments like this.

It was sad walking away and Sophy, one of the teachers, bid me farewell and good luck. Later on I discovered the Project had posted a thank you to me on their Facebook page. A nice and welcome surprise.

I had a quick dinner before headed out to football. We picked up another 13-6 victory, I scored two, took a goalkeepers studs to my knee and gained two blisters from the boots I am borrowing from Yanni and Pommers. Thicker socks are required for Thursday!

Another day gone and now I know I've only got one full day left which is tomorrow at Project C. Another holiday on Friday for French Peace Day means I won't be going to Project D again to teach. It's sad but I will be going to see them for a flying visit on Thursday so that's something.

Find out more about Globalteer Sports Project on Facebook:

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