Day 108 - 09th October
So the final day of the working week before the Pchum Ben festival begins.
The day was hot but I was looking forward to teaching our last day of volleyball. We headed to Project D and set up our first few lessons with lots of free playing, games and just good fun. The kids were tired by the end so we knew we were doing something right.
Huok (sounds like Hulk), one of the teachers was talking to me about the differences in Cambodia compared to England. He was curious to know what we do, how we study at university (hadn't a clue, I've never been) and how we live our social lives. One thing I have learned here in Cambodia and that's that the people are very family orientated. Everything they do is for the good of their parents and siblings, which is always great to see. Sometimes though it makes me feel a little sympathy because so many don't dare to dream or try something for their own good. I totally respect what they do for family but it makes me wonder how unfulfilled they might be deep down.
Anyway, as things were going well, we taught our final two lessons of the morning in the same fashion as the previous two. They kids whacked volleyballs about and whacked each other if they did something wrong in the group (in a playful way of course).
At lunch, I tucked into a noodle soup before heading back to the office for pick up to go to our four afternoon sessions. And then it happened, again. Everytime DK and I get together in the afternoons, it rains! Without fail!
So the rest of the afternoon was spent teaching on and off and mostly standing beneath a shelter talking to Huok. Again we covered ground on social differences between our countries, his plans for Pchum Ben and teaching techniques (don't ask why he asked me, he must have thought I knew what I was doing).
By the evening, I'd settled in with a curry and Meet the Fockers on Fox Movies. To be honest, I was knackered after the day so didn't want anything heavy.
By the time it finished, I was face down in a pillow, gone to the world! I am getting old.
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