Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Day 113 - Recovery is a painful business

All self inflicted.

Day 113 - 14th October

I've been out in China, Vietnam and Cambodia and I can safely say, I have never felt as bad in any of those other ten experiences or so COMBINED than I did today.

My carcass could not be lifted until gone 2pm and I spent the rest of the day wallowing in self pity at not being able to move. I'm grateful their was no sick after everything I ate and drank the day before but I telling you honestly, I wasn't far off.

Basically, the whole day was spent watching Netflix, eating noodles and drinking water until my arms felt like they could move no more.

I managed to send one email to my volunteers to get them to agree not to share my book but even that was painful.

By 8pm, I was back in bed, trying to rest up for our big game tomorrow night.

Well done Cambodia, you broke me! 

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