Monday, 14 September 2015

Day 84 - Rain, rain, go away!

Wet season indeed.

Day 84 - 15th September

After dreaming about Ghost Face from Scream last night (I'd just figured out who had started the fire when I woke up), I was awoken to hear what sounded like a mini waterfall outside my window. Getting up to investigate, I saw rain lashing down outside.

It's not really a problem when you're indoors looking at it - in fact I find it relaxing when writing but I was going to be outside, all day. It was going to be an interesting day.

And my wish came true. All my lessons were rained off. It literally didn't stop all day.

So I put it to good use and script wrote my butt off. And I'm pretty much done. It's about 62 pages. With a little editing and tidying up, it will go off to the BBC. Then it'll get accepted, I get paid and I become a script writer and author . . . it's good to dream! I've been doing it 11 years.

Fruit, anyone.

I took a break and cycled out for more cup of noodles at the local supermarket. I managed to restraint buying Oreos or Creamo. I've been eating a lot of crap recently so I headed out to find a fruit seller and I came away with 2 kilos of Dragon Fruit, 1 kilo of apples and a kilo of bananas. The price came in a $5! Ludicrous. Just look at the picture!

After a long day of script writing, I headed to bed, hopeful we'd have no rain tomorrow.

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